Click on the titles at right for program description.








    Interpersonal skills are the starting point of working successfully with people in any kind of organization.  Increased self-awareness and confidence, when dealing with the daily challenges of interpersonal communication in the workplace, promotes productive and effective communication. Dealing with People is a comprehensive and practical interpersonal skills seminar that focuses on our behavioral styles. The program provides insight into one’s own behavioral style and how to read observable, habit-based “clues” of others in order to enrich the quality of relationships. These skills also reduce misunderstandings and conflict.


    Creating a culture that understands and reinforces accountability at all levels is one of the elements that separates good companies from great ones. This session focuses on the critical few behaviors that help drive such an environment. Participants examine accountability from multiple levels – oneself, the team, the larger organization. Critical feedback and questioning skills which are central to driving accountability are practiced and applied to real issues.  Participants are challenged to focus their energy on issues they can control and influence. They see the benefit of not wasting time and energy on issues that are out of their control. A self-reinforcing language around accountability is developed during the workshop and provides a natural positive catalyst to remind people of their commitment to building a strong culture of performance and follow through on commitments.


    Conflict, both interpersonal and inter-group, can be a critical and creative force in maintaining the organization’s vitality. The Managing Conflict seminar investigates the causes of conflict and explores constructive as well as destructive effects of conflict. Emphasis in this session is on creating awareness of the effect that resolution has on future conflict and on how understanding of individual preferences for dealing with conflict impacts communication. Proven techniques for skillfully resolving conflict are taught and practiced during the workshop.


    Great ideas can’t benefit anyone if we’re not able to communicate confidently and effectively. Instead, the ideas simply become lost opportunties. So, the ability to deliver an informative, professional, and impactful presentation in one’s own natural  style is essential. This session provides both the skills and the actual practice to make a memorable presentation. Participants learn to conceptualize a great presentation that will get attention. Then they develop it, organize it, and deliver it to their peers in the session. As part of this process, participants learn when and how best to use visual aids and how to enhance the presentation through natural, purposeful movement. This helps them overcome anxiety and develop “stage confidence”.


    Performance appraisal is not a once a year event.  It’s a process that continues throughout the year.  It begins with clarifying the company’s expectations of the employee.  It continues with a manager’s observing performance, and providing feedback and coaching as needed. At year's end there is the formal assessment and review. Then the process begins again. A performance management function that truly helps both the employee and the company improve requires skills of feedback, candor, goal setting, discipline and awareness.  Human Dynamics’ will train managers to carry out the steps so that the employee receives feedback and coaching that is honest, helpful, drives accountability, and improves performance.  HDI is also prepared to evaluate the client’s complete performance management process and provide recommendations as needed.



    A company’s leadership team is continually presented with challenges of all types and sizes. The speed and intensity of that change accelerates in times of change and growth. People often find themselves with roles that are in flux. People take on new responsibilities while passing others on to colleagues. For the most part, this occurs informally and almost continually within the team. Such fluidity in responsibilities can cause confusion, frustration, and even conflict within the leadership team and certainly among the employees. Yet, it’s vital that each person clearly understand their role and responsibilities, along with their levels of authority, key relationships, what that role may look like in 3 – 5 years, and how the incumbent must grow in order to succeed in the future.


    Human Dynamics, Inc. of Dallas has created a process, which meets exactly this challenge and goes further.

  • ETHICS 24/7

    24/7 is a familiar term. The choices and decisions we are faced with making, the demands on our lives, both at work and at home, and the fast paced world we live in often make it difficult for people to discern the ethical from the unethical. Participants leave the session feeling energized and committed to adhering to higher ethical standards on the job, better equipped to deal with difficult ethical dilemmas and aware that they play an important role in setting ethical example on and off the job.


    This workshop’s deliverable is to enable all employees to interact more effectively with internal and external customers, resulting in improved Customer Satisfaction, thereby positively impacting the overall success of our organization.


    Attracting, developing, and keeping good people is key to assuring that you have a team that continually renews itself and getting better. So your leaders must develop their own skills of growing and developing talent. It requires commitment, a specific mindset and skill set. This session is focused on building the skills necessary for participants to expand their comfort with developing others. They learn the value of creating adult-adult relationships and limiting adult-child relationships. Participants understand the importance of asking more and telling less. They practice intentional questioning methods focused on engaging others in thinking through and addressing their own issues.  Valuing individual differences and learning to adapt the approach to coaching based on behavioral style, generational diversity are all incorporated in this dynamic session. Participants gain practical skills to improve their comfort level and competence in successfully delegating to others.

(c) 2012-2019 Human Dynamics Inc.

1651 North Collins Boulevard    Suite 226    Richardson, TX 75080   (972) 840.0064